MapIt Install Script

If you have a new installation of Debian (Buster or Bullseye) or Ubuntu Focal, you can use an install script to set up a basic installation of MapIt on your server.

Please note that the install script does not currently work on Ubuntu Jammy.

Warning: only use this script on a newly installed server - it will make significant changes to your server's setup, including modifying your nginx setup, creating a user account, creating a database, installing new packages etc.

The script to run is called, in our commonlib repository. That script’s usage is as follows:

Usage: ./ [--default] <SITE-NAME> <UNIX-USER> [HOST]
HOST is only optional if you are running this on an EC2 instance.
--default means to install as the default site for this server,
rather than a virtualhost for HOST.

The <UNIX-USER> parameter is the name of the Unix user that you want to own and run the code. (This user will be created by the script.)

The HOST parameter is a hostname for the server that will be usable externally - a virtualhost for this name will be created by the script, unless you specified the --default option.. This parameter is optional if you are on an EC2 instance, in which case the hostname of that instance will be used.

For example, if you wish to use a new user called mapit and the hostname, creating a virtualhost just for that hostname, you could download and run the script with:

curl -L -O
sudo sh mapit mapit

Or, if you want to set this up as the default site on an EC2 instance, you could download the script, make it executable and then invoke it as:

sudo ./ --default mapit mapit

When the script has finished, you should have a working copy of the website, accessible via the hostname you supplied to the script.

You should take a look at the configuration file in mapit/conf/general.yml under /var/www/<host>. In particular, you should set BUGS_EMAIL to your email address. You should also consider the AREA_SRID and COUNTRY settings, as described in the manual installation instructions.

Note if you change the SRID at this point, you will need to revert and then re-migrate the database as it will already have been set up with the initial SRID:

source ../virtualenv-mapit/bin/activate
./ migrate mapit zero
./ migrate mapit

Then you should then restart the MapIt Django server with:

ubuntu@ip-10-58-191-98:~$ sudo /etc/init.d/mapit restart

You will need to create an admin user if you want to be able to use MapIt’s web admin interface. To create an admin user, you need to use the createsuperuser Django admin command, similar to the following example:

ubuntu@ip-10-64-6-199:~$ sudo su - mapit
mapit@ip-10-64-6-199:~$ cd /var/www/mapit/mapit
mapit@ip-10-64-6-199:~/mapit$ source ../virtualenv-mapit/bin/activate
(mapit)mapit@ip-10-64-6-199:~/mapit$ ./ createsuperuser
Username (Leave blank to use 'mapit'): mapitadmin
E-mail address:
Password (again):
Superuser created successfully.

… and check that you can now login to the admin interface by visiting /admin on your site.

Now you will probably want to carry on to import some data.